In all but the most extreme conditions, it’s often difficult to determine whether abuse and neglect is occuring with an animal. Some animals suffer from illnesses that might cause them to look neglected when they have a wonderful and loving owner. Pregnant mares might look malnourished when this is a natural phase of pregnancy. Although there is no foolproof method for abuse determination many rescue organizations and veterinarians rely on the Henneke Scale to judge a horse’s condition. Information on the Henneke Scale can be found in the picture at left or here.
Your best avenue if you suspect abuse is to call one of our staff. We’ll work with you to determine a condition of an animal and available avenues to rectify the situation.
Please, please understand that RMHR has no power to remove a horse from a property or an owner; only Animal Control has that power. If you believe the horse to be in dire circumstances please call them directly and immediately.